Subaru Wagon Tailgate Hits Ski Box: DIY Modification
Tilting Ski Box When we replaced our Subaru wagon, our old ski box didn’t fit the new car. The rear hatch door on the new car has a visor that keeps the door from fully opening because it hits the ski box. If the ski box was shorter, the rear door would open without interference. Since ski boxes are expensive, I didn’t want to replace ours. Also, I like having lots of storage space as well as the ability to carry long items up top. If I could move the whole box forward, there would be room for the rear door to open, however, even when I moved the Thule carrier bars as far forward as possible, it wasn’t far enough. So I tried the idea of making new mounting holes in the ski box, leaving the Thule carrier bars where they were. That idea didn’t work out, since our ski box isn’t flat on the bottom. Also, when we haul heavy gear in the box, I wanted the support bars centered under the load. Then I realized if the box where hinged up at the back just a few inches, it would clear nicely. S...